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Rieko Hanafuda

Raphael de León Rosa


Title: The False General
Age: 28
Birthday: 3rd Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon (May 3rd)
Grand Company: The Immortal Flames
Eorzean Guardian: Llymlaen, the Navigator
Hometown: Torrerompe, The Fourth
Residence: N/A, Rafflesia, Dynamis
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Jobs: Samurai, Gunbreaker, Paladin
Cold weather, honest combat, cooking, authentic food and drink, weapons and armors. classical music, electronic music, rum, gin, self-improvement, freedom, meaningful conversations, piano
cheaters, tyrants, showoffs, injustice, hot temperatures, chains
Training, fighting, cooking, keeping himself busy, protecting others

Ahrk's Nameday


Raphael is born in the small beachside town of Torrerompe. His mother, Marisol Rosario was a former cook turned waitress at the local tavern. His father, Roberto de León a mercenary. At 12 summers old, he met Andrea Villareal, a lovely girl who he developed a crush for. However, the girl one day disappeared without a trace. Angered, Andrea's parents forced Roberto to step out of retirement and search for her. One day, on his search, Roberto would uncover the body of Andrea, all life removed from her flesh. Over the corpse, was a hooded entity. The shadowy figure would consume Roberto, leaving behind his reliable great-sword. He never returned and was presumed dead. The disappearance of two loved ones put a strain between a young Raphael and a widowed Marisol At the age of 16, he left his mother's home and took to adventuring with nothing but a knife and the clothes on his back. The early adventuring years were difficult for Raphael, most days having no money to afford an inn or even food, having to live a nomadic life and never staying in one place.
After 4 years of living as a nomadic adventurer, Raphael's travels took him northwest, where he joined the private militia of Panetake. When joining the squadron, a person must issue themselves a codename to protect their identities. To follow suit, he choose his codename as SOLITAIRE. Throughout his time in the army, he would join several of their tournaments for bragging rights and self-improvement. Although he never won, his battle prowess and style got the attention of several important members. On one such night, SOLITAIRE faced off against the Panetake's Head General BLITZ, in which Raphael lost. Sincerity quickly turned to hate when BLITZ witch-hunted Haruki Usagi; a shrine maiden from the Western Isle of Modoki and broken ties with the Kingdom of Furil due to their worshipping methods to the goddess, Cordelia. Upset that BLITZ's action would ruin public image to the neighboring nations, SOLITAIRE and a few key members put the Head General on trial and marked him a traitor to Panetake. However, the trial became one of combat as SOLITAIRE encountered BLITZ and over him was the deceased shrine maiden. Raphael duel the General for a second time, this time emerging victorious. He did not kill the former General, just incapacitated him for a proper arrest. In order to keep the peace, SOLITAIRE made the controversial decision of appointing himself as General, despite his poor ranking within the militia and the fact that the title needed to be earned by combat.
As General, SOLITAIRE placed a new regime aimed to increase the army's size and public perception. He mended ties to the Kingdom of Furil as well as assist the star athletes of Sneloper and reach out to the Isle of Modoki... with limited success. Over time, the work of maintaining the nation of Panetake put a strain on Raphael's physical and mental well-being. One day, a stranger made a suggestion to explore a nearby cavern to give Raphael the adventuring sensation he has long forgotten. After SOLITAIRE reached the depths of the cavern, he discovered 2 rare artifacts. The Emerald Gem and the Violet Gem. He took both before the cave started to collapse around him. The General kept the location of both gems a secret to everyone. At the start of a new year, SOLITAIRE announced his resignation and departure. While many members were disappointed over this decision, they agreed it was the best course of action and that they themselves will carry the torch of a now thriving nation. Before heading to the Eorzean Stranger, SOLITAIRE stopped by to visit BERRY, another former Major before she departed to assist the PWA, an alliance aimed to discover the secrets and wonders of the Fourth located in the center of the 3 largest countries. He gifted her the Violet Gem and requested for her to research the gem and find its true purpose.

Biography (PART II)

Raphael de León Rosa, now going by the name Regnier Soldati heads to Eorzea with nothing more than some adventuring gear, a broadsword and the Emerald Gem. He makes his way to Ul'Dah and signs up for the Adventurer's Guild. While handling the daily tasks of an adventurer, he befriends Draconis Firebane, a Xaelan marauder claiming to be one of many people from the Emigration of Azeroth. Together with Draconis' pet wolf, both joined the Immortal Flames Grand Company and lived their days as honest adventurers. After enough time and experience, both Regnier and Draconis were able to enter the cities of Ishgard, Ala Mhigo, Kugane and the newly rebuilt Doma in the Far East. However, their team would be split when they both enter one of the Source's reflections...the First. Despite peaceful times in the First due to the Warrior of Light's actions, there were still stray sin eaters to contend with and Regnier contended with such a foe. Although he easily dispatched of the sin eater, he was struck and started developing an abundance of aether within his body. Unable to progress any further until his sickness subsided, Regnier resorted to hide the pain by way of alcohol. On one night, however, as he was making his way back to the inn from the Empyreum Residential District, he stumbled upon a homeless Elezen and went to his aid.
However, sincerity turned to deception as the homeless Elezen was the disguise of MALICE, loyal servant to the former General BLITZ and trained assassin. Regnier immediately went on the offensive, but with the light slowly consuming him, his inebriated state and difference in skill proved too much. In a swift strike, MALICE sliced Regnier's left eye and left him for dead. With his body slowly starting to fail, all seemed hopeless until a familiar blue-haired Miqo'te mended his wounds and took him to the chirurgeons of the Firmament. As Regnier awoke from his pain, he quickly realized that his vision is starting to fail him, with a lack of depth perception and the Light blinding his sight. The chirurgeon gravely told him that due to the extensive damage his body has taken over the years, it would be a matter of time before he died. Hopeless to do anything, Regnier, pulled out the Emerald Gem and made a prayer to the goddess, Cordelia. As his prayer went on, his left hand holding the gem started moving closer to his left eye and with no control of his own struck the Emerald Gem into his eye socket. The gem started to pulsate and slowly fade out as his eyesight started to restore and the Light sickness suppressed. Now, the Emerald Gem stood a solid gray color, as if all its radiance drained and in turn, Regnier's left eye shined a sheen emerald color and his energy back to his normal state. Supposedly cured, he returns to the front lines and reunites with Draconis as he and several members of the Immortal Flames were tasked to assist Garlemald during the Final Days...a calamity that threatened the stability of the Source. During this event, Regnier's newfound heterochromia and his previous leadership tactics come to light, helping the Flames with an advantage over the blasphemies.POST FINAL DAYS
After the Warrior of Light restored peace throughout the Source by averting the Final Days, Regnier decided to settle down from adventuring and make Eorzea into a proper home. With enough gil earned from all of his duties, he purchased an apartment in Ingleside, located in Empyreum. Things could not be more calmer, until Regnier started to hear a voice in his head. As the voice within grew louder, his attempts to silence it grew to the point of drinking a strange concoction. That potion resulted in a makeshift Fantasia, temporarily turning Regnier into a woman. However, in the month that he was transformed, he remembers none of it. Turns out the voice that once occupied his headspace was the soul of one female trapped inside the Emerald Gem. When Regnier questioned this girl, she only recalls the events that transpired in the month he doesn't remember. She can't remember her nameday, nationality, name and even her own appearance. She insists on being called Regnier despite him also sharing the same name. He settles on calling her Reg until her memory starts to return. Now, both Regniers, possesing of one body try to live out their newfound lives. Regnier♂ is insistent on finding the memories of his recent soulmate without drawing much attention. Regnier♀, on the other hand prefers to create new memories, involving herself within the underground venue scene. That in turn causes rifts between both as to how far their plans can go...and with only one body to share.

Biography (PART III)

Regnier♂ could not continue to live his life, sharing it with a woman with an identical name and a near identical look, who causes trouble for him. He was heavily involved in the venue scene by mere association; a scene he wanted out of. He longed to return home, to go back and reclaim his role as General and continue the regime his younger self couldn't advance. Unfortunately for Regnier♂, he couldn't go home. Despite attempting to cut ties with everyone, Reg♀ mended those ties and kept her friends close. After a heart-to-heart between both Regniers, they agreed that separating their souls was the best course of action for them. The plan now was simple. Find a way to safely extract a soul from a body and implant it into a simulacrum. Regnier♂ was tasked with obtaining a vessel. His strategy was to seek the aid of Thavnarian alchemists. However, due to his lack of hospitality, Reg♀ took over and assisted the Hannish. After paying a hefty price and a few errands, the alchemists created an adequate simulacrum, enough for Regnier♂ himself to send his soul towards the vessel instead of her. After Reg♀ discovered a way to extract a soul, the operation was ready to begin. The Regniers headed to Castrum Abania, a former Garlean base to perform the soul separation. The procedure required a large and concentrated quantity of aether. Luckily for them, the Emerald Gem possesses a vast, yet questionable amount of aether stored. With that, the operation was a success! Regnier♂ has his soul transferred to the vessel whereas Regnier♀ keeps the original body. With this hurdle overcome, both were free to seek out their respective paths. For him, it was to return home and take his Eorzean experiences to lead the militia turned nation into a prosperous one.
The nation, however, had no longer need of the General. As he was attending the eternal bonding of a close friend, he received the call of one of his Majors, Jonn Laforque. He informs him that his old rival, former General BLITZ has escaped prison and is in possession of the Indigo Gem. Laforque states that BLITZ is using the gem to ascend back up the political ladder to reclaim his title of Head General. A title that can only be lost through combat. A title that SOLITAIRE never properly earned. However, his troubles were quickly shifted back to his current home. After an argument between him and Regnier♀, which resulted in Regnier♂ getting slapped in the face, he stormed off to Ala Mhigo. In a twist of fate, right at The White Aisle in the Lochs was his rival, the former General, BLITZ. After an exchange of banter, both decided to duel for the third time...with one stipulation. The loser would have his name and deeds removed from the Panetake history books. And so, bought men fought giving it their all as the sun setted. Early on, Raphael had the advantage with the aid of the Emerald Gem, but things quickly turned as BLITZ used the power of the Indigo Gem to surpress him, resulting in Regnier's defeat and banishment from Panetake. While tending to his wounds, he reunites with Regnier♀, now going under her true name Rieko. Both apologize and clear the air as they share their pasts into the sunrise. Both agree to drop the false name of Regnier and call themselves by their true names. Now Raphael, seeks to return to a new adventure, with no direction and scars of defeat still burning within him...

Ahrk's Nameday


Title: The Shrine Maiden of Flowers
Age: 28
Birthday: 27th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (October 27th)
Grand Company: The Immortal Flames
Eorzean Guardian: Nophica, the Matron
Hometown: Isle of Modoki, The Fourth
Residence: The Mist, Limsa Lominsa, Ultros, Primal
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Eternally Bonded (Leevye Velarin)
Jobs: Dancer, Samurai, Dark Knight
Warm temperatures, flowers, fashion, colorful drinks, dance, photography, array of music, deep conversations, violin
Hangovers, being sore, cold weather, injustice
Gardening, exercising, taking pictures, dancing, loving


Rieko Hanafuda was born in a temple underneath the mountain ranges of the Isle of Modoki. Her father, Hitoshi Hanafuda is a farmer turned florist. Her mother, Makiko Yamagami is one of six shrine maidens, tasked with guarding the power of Zilba, a flying whale deity that is worshipped throughout the Fourth. At an early age, Rieko was groomed to be the next shrine maiden to surpass her own mother. Due to this, Rieko lived a sheltered life, often finding reprieve by spending time with her father, tending and learning about all sorts of flora. At 10 summers old, Rieko was tasked to carry a jar of spices up to the temple, a routine chore for the temple that needed to be done. However, a gremlin snatched the jar away from her, forcing Rieko to chase after it. The chase was cut short after a lion struck the gremlin, leaving the jar by the lion's feet and a terrified Rieko by his front. Before the lion honed its claws, a war-steed stood in front of them, being ridden by a young Elven squire. The knight protected Rieko from its flame breath and struck the lion down. The Elven youth noticed the jar and handed it to Rieko, fears alleviated. The boy revealed himself to be Avel, a young blonde knight-in-training for the Tetra Empire...a snow-covered monarchy to the far north, established by two adventurers in which leadership is divided among two brothers for generations. After they both parted ways, Rieko made her way to the temple, all the while having thoughts of her knight in shining armor.
Shrine maidens are determined by lineage. The deity Zilba determines its six protectors and blesses them and their future families for generations. That said, Rieko was very hesitant on accepting this role, this responsibility. Regardless, at the age of 17, she was crowned the Shrine Maiden of Flowers. On the day of her coronation, the Tetra Emperor arrived to discuss politics with the Prime Minister of Modoki. Alongside the Emperor was his teenage sons, his successors. Avel and his younger red-haired brother Kain. While making their discussion, they attended the Shrine Maiden's coronation. This was when Avel learned about the young girl he saved all those years becoming the shrine maiden. As for Rieko, learning that the hero from that day is next in like to the throne is quite a shock. To learn that their paths may never cross again. Rieko's time as a shrine maiden was difficult at the start. Her responsibilities included daily prayer, a study in healing magic, being a beacon of hope for people she's never met and having roundhouse discussions with the other four shrine maidens, who tended to look down on Rieko for her lack of lady-like mannerisms. The only one that was supportive of Rieko was the Shrine Maiden of Jewels, Hikari.
Fast forward a year after Rieko's coronation, the Tetra Emperor falls ill and is unable to continue ruling his empire. In the interim, the Emperor assigns Avel to take the reins. This action infuriates the younger brother, Kain. He releases a dark secret; Kain and Avel are half-brothers, born from different mothers 3 years apart from each other. Avel's mother is not married to the Emperor, marking him a bastard child. However, due to Avel's determination, strength and loyalty to the Tetra Empire, he is assigned to be the Emperor over Kain. Infuriated, the younger brother storms off. He encounters a shadowy figure. This shade is The Sower, Halmarut. The Ascian tempts Kain with a proposition, collect the power of the six shrine maidens and in return will grant Kain the power to usurp his brother and claim the throne for himself. Without hesitation, Kain agrees and the two hunt the shrine maidens. In order to obtain their power, they must have the shrine maiden absorb Zilba's power and transform. Once transformed, Kain and Halmarut trap the power inside on a blank cube, severing the tie between protector and deity. In a single year, they succeed in trapping four of the six maidens. The only ones remaining are Hikari and Rieko. On a fateful evening, Kain storms through the temple, removing any and all guards stood in his way until he stood in front of the Shrine Maiden of Flowers. Aware of the fate that has befallen the other maidens, Rieko refuses to tap into Zilba's power. Realizing he cannot capture her power, Kain captures Rieko as her prisoner. He was going to tap into the power and rule the Tetra Empire...no, the Entire Fourth by any means necessary.

Biography (PART II)

After surrendering to the tyrant and future Tetra Emperor, Rieko Hanafuda is locked away in a dungeon deep beneath the shivering castle to the far north. When she is thrown into her cell, she encounters Hikari, the Shrine Maiden of Jewels also captured and imprisoned. However, their reunion is cut short as Kain enters the jail and starts having his way with the flowering shrine maiden. Physical beatings, rape, verbal abuse. Anything and everything the tyrant would do to get Rieko to transform. Despite this, the blessing from Zilba aided Rieko in resisting the dark magicks of the Sower. It wasn't a perfect defense. Halmarut noticed that Rieko's hair slowly turns into a bright shade of pink and her eyes would alter into a blue hue. If wasn't a matter of if, but when. For the next 3 years, Rieko remained imprisoned, suffering physical abuse from whippings and rape and mental abuse from being berated, all while under the effects of magics and aphrodisiacs crafted from the Sower. To really add a strain into Rieko's mind, Kain would also abuse her friend, Hikari who would slowly transform from the torture. In a desperate attempt to escape, Hikari transformed and broke chunks of the castle in an attempt to end the tyrant. The attempt resulted in her death instead. As the crystal now glowed a vibrant purple, Rieko sat in fear, unable to move...unable to disobey, lest her fate be the same as her friend. Sometime later, a guest visited her cell. It was Avel, on his knees held back by guards. Kain would propose an ultimatum. Rieko would give up her powers blessed by Zilba or he would execute Avel. She was willing to surrender her power, but Avel urged her against it. Before he could say anymore, Kain decapitated his half-brother. The man he was meant to rule alongside in the Tetra Empire. Dead. Laying before Rieko Hanafuda...
As she took heart his final words and bore witness to his end, Rieko let out a scream, but no force exhaled from it. The trauma was too much for her...she slumped over, the light gone from her eyes. Rieko was broken, her demeanor changed to a harlor, begging to be pleasured. Kain had succeeded in making Hanafuda into his personal love slave. However, one problem remained. Rieko still held the power of the deity, Zilba inside of her, but mentally unable to transform. This caused tensions between Kain and Halmarut. The Sower seeked to harvest the power of the six shrine maidens to influence Zilba to cause a Calamity, thus rejoining the Fourth with the Source. The tyrant wanted revenge on his brother by taking his throne, his lover and nothing more. However, Kain would soon learn not to cross an Ascian. One day, Halmarut entered into Rieko's cell. Instead of casting his magicks that entice the maiden, he would cast a cleansing spell, giving Rieko some sense and awareness and opened a way for her to escape. She would pry a nearby greatsword and espace to the harsh cold outside. Kain stood in his way, commanding her pet to ease. However, the commands did nothing for Rieko and he struck him with the sword, only causing a small dent in his armor. As Rieko prepared to leap and swing, Kain pulled out the blank cube and started to extract her power. Rieko felt herself weakening. She dropped the greatsword and slumped to the ground, crawling before her eyes faded. Her soul, along with her powers were absorbed into the cube. However, the cube emitted a darker shade of green... the rest is unknown.POST FINAL DAYS
Rieko laid dormant within the Emerald Gem for over 500 years. In her recollection, it felt like 8 years. Eight years of nothingness. Over time, she started to forget details about her life. Her origins, family, interests...even her own appearance and name. It was all a blank to her. One day, a light pierced the darkness and displayed many fragments containing all sorts of scenery. These weren't her memories, however, but rather, the memories, thoughts and sights of Raphael de León Rosa, now going by the alias Regnier Soldati. A former general of the Panetake Nation, who before leaving the Fourth took the Emerald Gem with him, unaware of its true purpose. After suffering an assassination attempt that left him half-blind and left for dead, he jammed the Emerald Gem into his socket, restoring his sight. This allowed the spirit of Rieko to leave the gem and inhabit a body. However, she was still too weak to take proper control of it. One night, as Raphael's body was changing due to the effects of a makeshift Fantasia, Rieko took over the body and awoke. She took possession of the body for well over a month, living vicariously as Regnier. Everyone around her assumed it was a simple sex change, unaware of the reality that another soul inhabits it. That is until one night...where she made love to a familiar blue-haired Miqo'te turned Viera, Ahrk Rhodan. After the month passed, Regnier came to and both met properly for the first time. Rieko shares the events that transpired in the month he doesn't remember. She cannot share any more since she can't remember her nameday, nationality, name and even her own appearance. Rieko insists on being called Regnier despite him also sharing the same name. She agrees to being called Reg for the time being. Now, both Regniers, possesing of one body try to live out their newfound lives. Regnier♂ is insistent on finding the memories of his recent soulmate without drawing much attention. Regnier♀, on the other hand prefers to create new memories, involving herself within the underground venue scene. That in turn causes rifts between both as to how far their plans can go...and with only one body to share.

Biography (PART III)

Regnier♀ could not continue to live her life, sharing it with a man with an identical name and a near identical look, who keeps instilling order onto her. She was heavily involved in the venue scene; a scene she wanted to enjoy. She longed to remain living this life, avoiding any consequences and filling in the void that is her memories. Unfortunately for Regnier♀, she couldn't ignore her past. Despite keeping relations with every lively person, Reg♂ attempted to cut ties with everyone. After a heart-to-heart between both Regniers, they agreed that separating their souls was the best course of action for them. The plan now was simple. Find a way to safely extract a soul from a body and implant it into a simulacrum. Regnier♀ was tasked with learning a method to safely extract souls. Her plan was to read several books on the subject. Most sources led to one name, Aulus mal Asina, former Chief Research of the Garlean Empire's XIIth legion. However, due to his works as well as his life perishing in the battle of Ala Mhigo, Reg♀ discovered that some assistant scientists of the war fled to join alongside the IVth legion in Bozja. However, due to her lack of fighting prowess, Regnier♂ took over and lead a charge into Bozja. After questioning the scientists and studying their papers, Reg♀ learned the proper method of extraction, using concentrated aether. Aether that has been stored in the Emerald Gem after Rieko's soul was transferred. After Reg♂ acquired a simulacrum, the operation was ready to begin. The Regniers headed to Castrum Abania, a former Garlean base to perform the soul separation. The procedure required a large and concentrated quantity of aether. Luckily for them, the Emerald Gem possesses a vast, yet questionable amount of aether stored. With that, the operation was a success! Regnier♂ has his soul transferred to the vessel whereas Regnier♀ keeps the original body. With this hurdle overcome, both were free to seek out their respective paths. For her, it was to return to her friends and live day by day, without a care in the world or a past to hold one back.
Her friends, however, had long since moved on without her. Through word of mouth, she discovered that the man she had feelings for, the one who learned her little secret was set to be eternally bonded to another. Despite her feelings, she attended the eternal bonding regardless. However, after an argument between her and Regnier♂, which resulted in Reg♀ slapping him in the face, she stormed off back to their home in the Empyreum District. In a twist of fate, she meets Aliezah Himberry, a former Major of Panetake. BERRY, believing that the woman in front of her is the former general SOLITAIRE starts to share details about the Violet Gem. When Reg♀ sees the Violet Gem, her head starts to ache. Aliezah states that the gem houses a long forgotten spirit and the best way to identify would be to head to the Aetherial Sea, in which Reg♀ agrees to go. When they arrive, the Violet Gem and Emerald Gem start to react. Both gems project a vision. The vision is a timeline of Reg♀'s past, as Rieko Hanafuda. Her memories slowly return. After the visions has faded, a bright flash appears. When the flash fades, Reg♀ finds herself across from the Shrine Maiden of Jewels. Her best friend from her past life, Hikari. Both friends share a moment of reflection, before Hikari fades away. BERRY, amazed by the discovery, learns that the person she guided isn't Raphael. She asks Rieko where he could be to share the news. They encounter Regnier♂, now going under his true name Raphael, tending to his wounds after a gruesome fight. Both apologize and clear the air as they share their pasts into the sunrise. Both agree to drop the false name of Regnier and call themselves by their true names. Now Rieko, with her memories awoken pursues a life of new discoveries, learning how to love herself in order to love others, to blossom into a maiden of flowers in all but name...